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Holiness in Families around the World Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life

Holiness in Families around the World
Autore/i: Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life
Editore: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
€15.00 €14.25

La Santità nelle famiglie del mondo Dicastero per i Laici, la Famiglia e la Vita

La Santità nelle famiglie del mondo
Autore/i: Dicastero per i Laici, la Famiglia e la Vita
Editore: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
€15.00 €14.25

Per una Teologia del popolo di Dio Principio unitario, forme, paradigma e prospettive Francesco Asti

Per una Teologia del popolo di Dio Principio unitario, forme, paradigma e prospettive
Autore/i: Francesco Asti
Prefazione del Card. Mario Grech
Editore: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
€24.00 €22.80

Itinerari Catecumenali per la Vita Matrimoniale Orientamenti pastorali per le Chiese particolari Dicastero per i Laici, la famiglia e la vita

Itinerari Catecumenali per la Vita Matrimoniale Orientamenti pastorali per le Chiese particolari
Autore/i: Dicastero per i Laici, la famiglia e la vita
Prefazione di papa Francesco
Editore: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
€10.00 €9.50

Ceramics Saleswoman cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Ceramics Saleswoman - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Bread Saleswoman cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Bread Saleswoman - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Cold Cut Seller cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Cold Cut Seller - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Old Woman seasoning Artichokes cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Old Woman seasoning Artichokes - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Seated Man cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Seated Man - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Drunk Man 1 (for Tavern Group) cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Drunk Man 1 (for Tavern Group) - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Drunk Man with Chalice (for Tavern Group) cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Drunk Man with Chalice (for Tavern Group) - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Drunk Man leaning (for Tavern Group) cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Drunk Man leaning (for Tavern Group) - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Drunk Man sitting cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Drunk Man sitting - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Shepherd arranges Artichokes on Coals cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Shepherd arranges Artichokes on Coals - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Host cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Host - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Grandfather and Grandchild Set cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Grandfather and Grandchild Set - Handcrafted statues for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Grandfather telling cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Grandfather telling - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Grandmother and Granddaughter cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Grandmother and Granddaughter - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Drunk Husband cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Drunk Husband - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

The Jar (by Luigi Pirandello) cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

The Jar (by Luigi Pirandello) - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Baker cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Baker - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Woman seasoning the Artichoke cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Woman seasoning the Artichoke - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Woman with Bread cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Woman with Bread - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Set Woman threatens drunk Husband cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Set Woman threatens her drunk Husband - Handcrafted statues for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Pregnant Woman cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Pregnant Woman - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Woman with Cauliflower cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Woman with Cauliflower - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Artichoke Dinner cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Artichoke Dinner - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Child listening cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Child listening - Handcrafted statue for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Nativity Set with ox and donkey (6pieces) cm 16 (6,3 inch) Velardita Sicilian Nativity in Terracotta

Nativity Set with ox and donkey (6pieces) - Handcrafted statues for nativity scene in '800 Sicilian style finished and painted by hand.
Maximum expressiveness of the faces, softness of clothes and naturalness of posture.
All the clothes are made entirely by hand with a thin leaf of clay.
From the secular tradition of the cribs of Caltagirone (Sicily).
Object of art unique signed on the base, each piece is unique and may differ from the photo.
Sized to scale for Velardita nativity scene cm 16 (6,3 inch)
With a Certificate of Origin. 100% Made in Italy.

Il capitale umano in azienda Prospettive di valore e modelli di riferimento Paolo Ceruzzi, Enrico Sorano, Alberto Sordi, Francesco Natalini

Il capitale umano in azienda Prospettive di valore e modelli di riferimento
Autore/i: Paolo Ceruzzi, Enrico Sorano, Alberto Sordi, Francesco Natalini
Prefazione del Cardinale Giuseppe Versaldi
Editore: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
€16.00 €15.20