Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

  1. Privacy notice
  2. Customer Rights - Art. 7 DL 196/2003


1. Privacy Policy

The personal data that the Customer provides on are treated only to carry out's obligations under the contract of sale. Personal data can be processed for advertising and promotional purposes only if expressly and previously permitted by the Customer by clicking a specific field in the registration form during checkout operations.

The data processing takes place by arrangements foreseen in Article 34 of the Legislative Decree, protecting customer rights, fundamental freedom, and dignity, with particular reference to customer privacy and personal identity. The treatment will take some time, which is strictly necessary to fulfill the objectives described above. Personal information provided by the Customer is not disclosed to third parties.

We have adopted security measures for processing personal data provided in DPR 318/1999. We are committed to keeping such measures updated under the provisions of amended laws and the industry's evolution and gained technical experience.

The provision of personal data is necessary to process and deliver your orders. Missing data will necessarily make it impossible to fulfill the obligations arising from contracts of sale. The data controller is



Corso Genova 12,

20123 Milano, Italy


The company CEO has been appointed head of data treatment and is responsible for processing personal data.


2. Customer Rights - Art. 7 DL 196/2003

Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, also known as the Privacy Code, identifies the Customer's rights to process personal data provided by the Customer.


1. The Customer has the right to obtain confirmation and written communication as to whether or not has been provided with his data


2. The Customer has the right to obtain information about:

a) the origin of personal data;

b) the purpose of processing such data;

c) the logic applied in case of data processing with the aid of electronic instruments;

d) the identity of the person in charge of data treatment;

e) Persons or categories of persons to whom the data may be communicated.


3. The Customer has the right to get:

a) updates, rectification, or integration of data;

b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including those whose retention is not necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;


4. The Customer has the right to refuse, in whole or in part:

a) the processing of his data, even when relevant to the purpose of personal data collection;

b) Personal data processing is used to send advertising materials, direct selling, or conduct market research or commercial communication.

Art. 9 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 foresees that:

i. can send the disclosure request by letter or by email.

ii. Rights referred to under Article 7, paragraphs 1 and 2, can be exercised orally, and in such cases, the person in charge of data treatment shall briefly note them. In the exercise of the rights referred to under Article 7, the Customer can appoint a delegate (individuals, institutions, associations, or organizations) in writing. A person of trust can also assist the Customer.

iii. The rights referred to in Article 7 regarding deceased persons' data may be exercised by those with a personal interest or for family reasons deserving protection.