Rome Reports - DVD Catalog

Discover the DVD catalog of Rome Reports Productions on religious themes and biographies: Pope Francis, Benedict XVI, John XXIII, Pope Pius XII, holy cities, Rome and the Vatican, Lourdes, II Vatican Council, Virgin Mary, Saints and Christmas. All DVDs are fully compatible with all players around the world. Best web price & delivery worldwide. 100% Made in Italy.

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San Josemaría Escrivá en el Vaticano - DVD

€11.65 €9.90

San Josemaría Escrivá in Vaticano - DVD

€11.65 €9.90

Semana Santa en Roma con el Papa Benedicto XVI- DVD

€11.38 €9.67

Settimana Santa a Roma con Papa Benedetto XVI - DVD

€11.38 €9.67

Sida, preservativos y la Iglesia Católica - DVD

€14.10 €11.98

The Da Vinci Code, a masterful deception - DVD

Vatican officials, historians and experts in art and Church history discuss the "Da Vinci phenomenon" and whether and how it has changed the perceptions of the Catholic Church.

The revolution of John XXIII - DVD

Rome, 1959. Cardinals elect a 76 years old Pope, hoping for an uneventful pontificate without surprises. But John XXIII surprised everyone.

The Way of Life - An unexpected encounter on Camino de Santiago - DVD

c 94-2010
€16.30 €13.86

Year for Priests - DVD

€11.65 €9.90