Art and Faith. Vatican Treasures, Via Pulchritudinis - DVD

Código (SKU): 5907461367091
This DVD masterfully condenses 2000 years of the history of the Church and art into an evocative 70 minute narration in images. The documentary guides the viewer on a astonishing tour of Christian-inspired beauty among the papal collections and the pictorial masterpieces of the Sistine Chapel. According to Benedict XVI, the Vatican Museums are "a concentrate of theology in images" and "the Vatican Museums truly show the continuous interweaving of Christianity and culture, faith and art, divine and human" .
Therefore, pursuing the "via Pulchritudinis", the path of Beauty, is one way to cross the threshold of Faith.
This is a multilingual DVD in Italian, Polish, English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Portuguese with subtitles in Japanese and Chinese.
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This DVD masterfully condenses 2000 years of the history of the Church and art into an evocative 70 minute narration in images. The documentary guides the viewer on a astonishing tour of Christian-inspired beauty among the papal collections and the pictorial masterpieces of the Sistine Chapel. According to Benedict XVI, the Vatican Museums are "a concentrate of theology in images" and "the Vatican Museums truly show the continuous interweaving of Christianity and culture, faith and art, divine and human" .
Therefore, pursuing the "via Pulchritudinis", the path of Beauty, is one way to cross the threshold of Faith.
This is a multilingual DVD in Italian, Polish, English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Portuguese with subtitles in Japanese and Chinese.
Especificaciones de productos
TemasArte / Arqueología, Capilla Sixtina, Concilio Vaticano II / Año de la Fe, Museos Vaticanos, Roma & Vaticano
Idioma productoDeutsch, English, Español, Français, Português, Italiano, Polski
Packagingcartón delgado
SubtítulosRussian, Chinese, Japanese
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Especificaciones de productos
TemasArte / Arqueología, Capilla Sixtina, Concilio Vaticano II / Año de la Fe, Museos Vaticanos, Roma & Vaticano
Idioma productoDeutsch, English, Español, Français, Português, Italiano, Polski
Packagingcartón delgado
SubtítulosRussian, Chinese, Japanese
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