Catholic Social Teaching in Action: Facing the Changes of the Digital Age

Catholic Social Teaching in Action: Facing the Changes of the Digital Age
Autore/i: Giovanni Marseguerra, Anna Maria Tarantola
Collana: Collana Fondazione Centesimus annus pro Pontifice
Editore: LEV Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Código (SKU): 9788826601090

Catholic Social Teaching in Action: Facing the Changes of the Digital Age

Autore: Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation

This volume collects the reports discussed during the International Conferences and the Consultations organized by the CAPPF during the year 2017. It allows us to understand the main ideas that have characterized the work of the Foundation in the last two years and illustrate the efforts made to respond to the apprehen- sions of the Holy Father expressed during the audiences granted to the Foundation in 2016 and 2017. The discussions related about the role of Catholic teaching in the current global context, the future of work and wages in a rapidly evolving and technologically advanced environment and, finally, some impor tant ethical aspects that emerged in economy and finance.

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Disponibilidad: Disponible
Envío previsto en: 3 días laborables
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Catholic Social Teaching in Action: Facing the Changes of the Digital Age

Autore: Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation

This volume collects the reports discussed during the International Conferences and the Consultations organized by the CAPPF during the year 2017. It allows us to understand the main ideas that have characterized the work of the Foundation in the last two years and illustrate the efforts made to respond to the apprehen- sions of the Holy Father expressed during the audiences granted to the Foundation in 2016 and 2017. The discussions related about the role of Catholic teaching in the current global context, the future of work and wages in a rapidly evolving and technologically advanced environment and, finally, some impor tant ethical aspects that emerged in economy and finance.

Especificaciones de productos
Idioma productoEnglish
TemasEscuela / Educación
Año de publicación2018
N. páginas316
Cubiertaen rústica
  • Solo los usuarios registrados pueden agregar sus Reseñas
Especificaciones de productos
Idioma productoEnglish
TemasEscuela / Educación
Año de publicación2018
N. páginas316
Cubiertaen rústica
Solo los usuarios registrados pueden agregar sus Reseñas