Il primo lavoro di Dio Il libro della Genesi

Il primo lavoro di Dio Il libro della Genesi
Autore/i: Santos Sabugal
Editore: LEV Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Código (SKU): 9788820992040
After his biblical studies published by Libreria Editrice Vaticana on Credo, on Lord’s Prayer and on the constitution of the Church as God's servant, Santos Sabugal proposes in this new oeuvre an exegetical and theological analysis of the first book of the Bible.
More specifically, the oeuvre is divided into two fundamental parts: the first one examines the cosmic prehistory of the Israel people and provides some general information on the Sacred Bible and on the Genesis; the second one focuses on the redeeming patriarchal history of the Chosen People, lingering over four eminent fathers of the Church: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.
It is a study addressed to the faithful, both religious and laymen, with an exegetical but also pastoral purpose, with the aim of spreading God’s Word.
The Author: Father Santos Sabugal, Augustinian priest from Spain, is an eminent expert in Biblical Exegesis and Catechesis. He was professor of Biblical Exegesis in various pontifical universities in Rome and member of the Spanish Biblical Commission and the International Society for the Studies of the New Testaments (Cambridge). He is author of 80 articles and numerous books of Biblical Exegesis and Catechesis. He is also founder of the diocesan Institute of Consecrated Life “Agostiniane Serve del Signore per l’Evangelizzazione” in Civitavecchia (Rome), along numerous missionary centers in India, Africa and Latin America.
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After his biblical studies published by Libreria Editrice Vaticana on Credo, on Lord’s Prayer and on the constitution of the Church as God's servant, Santos Sabugal proposes in this new oeuvre an exegetical and theological analysis of the first book of the Bible.
More specifically, the oeuvre is divided into two fundamental parts: the first one examines the cosmic prehistory of the Israel people and provides some general information on the Sacred Bible and on the Genesis; the second one focuses on the redeeming patriarchal history of the Chosen People, lingering over four eminent fathers of the Church: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.
It is a study addressed to the faithful, both religious and laymen, with an exegetical but also pastoral purpose, with the aim of spreading God’s Word.
The Author: Father Santos Sabugal, Augustinian priest from Spain, is an eminent expert in Biblical Exegesis and Catechesis. He was professor of Biblical Exegesis in various pontifical universities in Rome and member of the Spanish Biblical Commission and the International Society for the Studies of the New Testaments (Cambridge). He is author of 80 articles and numerous books of Biblical Exegesis and Catechesis. He is also founder of the diocesan Institute of Consecrated Life “Agostiniane Serve del Signore per l’Evangelizzazione” in Civitavecchia (Rome), along numerous missionary centers in India, Africa and Latin America.
Especificaciones de productos
TemasSagrada Escritura
AutorSabugal Santos
Idioma productoItaliano
N. páginas490
Año de publicación2014
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Especificaciones de productos
TemasSagrada Escritura
AutorSabugal Santos
Idioma productoItaliano
N. páginas490
Año de publicación2014
Solo los usuarios registrados pueden agregar sus Reseñas