Istruzione Libertatis Nuntius su alcuni aspetti della Teologia della Liberazione

Istruzione Libertatis Nuntius su alcuni aspetti della Teologia della Liberazione
Autore/i: Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede
Editore: LEV Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Código (SKU): 9788820991838
This volume presents the Instruction Libertatis Nuntius, promulgated by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on 6th august 1984.
The document offers an important explanation of the principles which should guide an authentic Theology of Liberation. The volume also contains a series of comments by various experts on this issue, published on the Roman Observer in the months immediately after the diffusion of this document.

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This volume presents the Instruction Libertatis Nuntius, promulgated by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on 6th august 1984.
The document offers an important explanation of the principles which should guide an authentic Theology of Liberation. The volume also contains a series of comments by various experts on this issue, published on the Roman Observer in the months immediately after the diffusion of this document.

Especificaciones de productos
TemasDocumentos Vaticanos
AutorCongregación para la Doctrina de la Fe
Idioma productoItaliano
N. páginas172
Año de publicación2014
  • Solo los usuarios registrados pueden agregar sus Reseñas
Especificaciones de productos
TemasDocumentos Vaticanos
AutorCongregación para la Doctrina de la Fe
Idioma productoItaliano
N. páginas172
Año de publicación2014
Solo los usuarios registrados pueden agregar sus Reseñas