Letter Placuit Deo to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on certain aspects of Christian salvation

Letter Placuit Deo to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on certain aspects of Christian salvation
Autore/i: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Editore: LEV Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Código (SKU): 9788826601038

The letter Placuit Deo, addressed to the bishops of the Catholic Church, and, more generally, to all the faithful, intends to “explain, in the spirit of Dominus Iesus, what Christian salvation means” with par ticular reference to the teachings of Pope Fran- cis.  It  is  intended  to “help  the  faithful  rediscover  the  beauty,  the  fascination,  of belonging to Christ and to the Church, which is the essence of the whole path of Evangelization”. The Holy Father often speaks about two tendencies which are similar to two ancient heresies – Pelagianism and Gnosticism –. The present letter is intended to deal with these reductionist tendencies that threaten today’s Christianity, pointing out that salvation consists in our union with Christ.

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The letter Placuit Deo, addressed to the bishops of the Catholic Church, and, more generally, to all the faithful, intends to “explain, in the spirit of Dominus Iesus, what Christian salvation means” with par ticular reference to the teachings of Pope Fran- cis.  It  is  intended  to “help  the  faithful  rediscover  the  beauty,  the  fascination,  of belonging to Christ and to the Church, which is the essence of the whole path of Evangelization”. The Holy Father often speaks about two tendencies which are similar to two ancient heresies – Pelagianism and Gnosticism –. The present letter is intended to deal with these reductionist tendencies that threaten today’s Christianity, pointing out that salvation consists in our union with Christ.

Especificaciones de productos
Idioma productoEnglish
TemasFilosofía /Teología
Año de publicación2018
Cubiertaen rústica
N. páginas12
AutorCongregación para la Doctrina de la Fe
  • Solo los usuarios registrados pueden agregar sus Reseñas
Especificaciones de productos
Idioma productoEnglish
TemasFilosofía /Teología
Año de publicación2018
Cubiertaen rústica
N. páginas12
AutorCongregación para la Doctrina de la Fe
Solo los usuarios registrados pueden agregar sus Reseñas