Pastoral Guidelines for fostering vocations to Priestly Ministry

Pastoral Guidelines for fostering vocations to Priestly Ministry
Autore/i: Congregazione per l' Educazione Cattolica , Pontificia opera per le vocazioni ecclesiastiche
Editore: LEV Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Código (SKU): 9788820988494
In 2008 a Questionnaire about the pastoral ministry for priestly vocations was prepared so as to have an up-to-date overview of vocational pastoral ministry in the different parts of the world, especially as regards the ministerial priesthood. The Questionnaire was sent to all the delegates of the Bishop’s Conferences as well as to the directors of the “National Vocational Offices” so that they can provide information on the situation of vocations and formulate suggestions for pastoral action.
The analysis of the replies from the Bishop’s Conferences and the National Offices showed that there was a demand for guidelines for vocational pastoral ministry, based on a clear and well-founded theology of vocation and of the identity of the ministerial priesthood. As a result of such necessity, we find the present document.
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In 2008 a Questionnaire about the pastoral ministry for priestly vocations was prepared so as to have an up-to-date overview of vocational pastoral ministry in the different parts of the world, especially as regards the ministerial priesthood. The Questionnaire was sent to all the delegates of the Bishop’s Conferences as well as to the directors of the “National Vocational Offices” so that they can provide information on the situation of vocations and formulate suggestions for pastoral action.
The analysis of the replies from the Bishop’s Conferences and the National Offices showed that there was a demand for guidelines for vocational pastoral ministry, based on a clear and well-founded theology of vocation and of the identity of the ministerial priesthood. As a result of such necessity, we find the present document.
Especificaciones de productos
TemasSacerdocio / Vida consacrada
AutorCongregación para la Educación Católica, Pontificia Opera per le Vocazioni Sacerdotali
Idioma productoEnglish
N. páginas38
Cubiertaen rústica
Año de publicación2012
  • Solo los usuarios registrados pueden agregar sus Reseñas
Especificaciones de productos
TemasSacerdocio / Vida consacrada
AutorCongregación para la Educación Católica, Pontificia Opera per le Vocazioni Sacerdotali
Idioma productoEnglish
N. páginas38
Cubiertaen rústica
Año de publicación2012
Solo los usuarios registrados pueden agregar sus Reseñas