Bad Apples - Dealing with Sex Abuse in the Church - DVD

Catalogo: Rome Reports
Codice (SKU): R30038490157
“If you don’t take the bad apple out of the basket it can spoil the rest of the fruit.”

Referring to clerical sex abuse, Pope Benedict XVI said, “The greatest persecution of the Church does not come from external enemies, but is born of sin within the Church. Thus the Church has a profound need to relearn penance, purification, forgiveness and justice.”

In “BAD APPLES”, television news agency ROME REPORTS documents this problem and the responses from the Vatican during the last decades. It also analyzes the failure of management in Ireland, based on lies, and tracks the successful ‘zero tolerance’ policy put into action in the United States.

“BAD APPLES” is a comprehensive documentary on a complex problem, with shocking testimony from victims, advice from psychologists and testimony from the most active bishops dealing with abuse. It also includes analysis from Vatican insiders on what is happening behind the scenes at the Vatican.

**IMPORTANT: This DVD can be played on all DVD players (PAL, SECAM, NTSC)
and under all regions (REGION 1,2,3,4,5,6,8)**

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Disponibilità: Disponibile
Spedito di solito in: 1 giorno
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Nessuna opzione di spedizione - Scegli un Paese di consegna
“If you don’t take the bad apple out of the basket it can spoil the rest of the fruit.”

Referring to clerical sex abuse, Pope Benedict XVI said, “The greatest persecution of the Church does not come from external enemies, but is born of sin within the Church. Thus the Church has a profound need to relearn penance, purification, forgiveness and justice.”

In “BAD APPLES”, television news agency ROME REPORTS documents this problem and the responses from the Vatican during the last decades. It also analyzes the failure of management in Ireland, based on lies, and tracks the successful ‘zero tolerance’ policy put into action in the United States.

“BAD APPLES” is a comprehensive documentary on a complex problem, with shocking testimony from victims, advice from psychologists and testimony from the most active bishops dealing with abuse. It also includes analysis from Vatican insiders on what is happening behind the scenes at the Vatican.

**IMPORTANT: This DVD can be played on all DVD players (PAL, SECAM, NTSC)
and under all regions (REGION 1,2,3,4,5,6,8)**

Specifiche di prodotto
Categoria:Specifiche Prodotto:
ArgomentiAttualità / Reportage
Lingua prodottoEnglish, Español
Packagingbox in plastica
Regione DVDALL (region 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Formato video4:3
CompatibilitàCompatibile con tutti i lettori DVD in tutto il mondo
2300 | DVD | Video (link YouTube) S
  • Solo gli utenti registrati possono scrivere recensioni
Specifiche di prodotto
Categoria:Specifiche Prodotto:
ArgomentiAttualità / Reportage
Lingua prodottoEnglish, Español
Packagingbox in plastica
Regione DVDALL (region 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Formato video4:3
CompatibilitàCompatibile con tutti i lettori DVD in tutto il mondo
2300 | DVD | Video (link YouTube) S
Solo gli utenti registrati possono scrivere recensioni