John Paul II a Pontificate of images - BOOK

Codice (SKU): 9788865244067
Much has been written about John Paul II’s rich personality and extraordinary pastoral activity as the Successor of Peter. However, a “visual” work, a work which could speak about him and his intense apostolic dynamism, not in words, but by means of over 100 images concerning his lengthy Pontificate, which are more expressive and convincing than words, was missing.
The work in question is filling this gap. Its title, “John Paul II, a Pontificate of images”, is very indicative.

The two sections into which the work is divided summarize perfectly its precious contents, particularly the two fundamental characteristics of the Pontificate of the Pope “who came from afar”.

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Spedito di solito in: 1 giorno
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Much has been written about John Paul II’s rich personality and extraordinary pastoral activity as the Successor of Peter. However, a “visual” work, a work which could speak about him and his intense apostolic dynamism, not in words, but by means of over 100 images concerning his lengthy Pontificate, which are more expressive and convincing than words, was missing.
The work in question is filling this gap. Its title, “John Paul II, a Pontificate of images”, is very indicative.

The two sections into which the work is divided summarize perfectly its precious contents, particularly the two fundamental characteristics of the Pontificate of the Pope “who came from afar”.

Specifiche di prodotto
Categoria:Specifiche Prodotto:
ArgomentiBiografie, Libri fotografici, Papa Giovanni Paolo II
AutoreGiannini Frida
Lingua prodottoEnglish
N. Pagine96
Anno di pubblicazione2011
Dimensionicm 18x25,5 (7,1x10 in)
  • Solo gli utenti registrati possono scrivere recensioni
Specifiche di prodotto
Categoria:Specifiche Prodotto:
ArgomentiBiografie, Libri fotografici, Papa Giovanni Paolo II
AutoreGiannini Frida
Lingua prodottoEnglish
N. Pagine96
Anno di pubblicazione2011
Dimensionicm 18x25,5 (7,1x10 in)
Solo gli utenti registrati possono scrivere recensioni