Freedom of Religion in a Pluricultural Context Gravissimum Educationis Foundation

Freedom of Religion in a Pluricultural Context
Autore/i: Gravissimum Educationis Foundation
Collana: Fari Educativi
Editore: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Codice (SKU): 9788826607061

Freedom of Religion in a Pluricultural Context
On October 28, 2015, Pope Francis es­tablished the Gravissimum Educationis Foundation which is mainly evolving to­wards global educational contexts, pro­moting integral formation and fraternal coexistence among all its partners.
Attentive to some of the most current educative challenges, the Foundation ad­dresses innovative and socially impactful projects, promotes multifaceted scientific approaches and fosters networking between educational institutions and other field partners. By privileging educative and formative perspectives, it is also close to the younger generations from every continent, pluralistic in cultures but also commonly engaged in building responsibly their own life project.
The Foundation develops its mission in the framework of the Congregation for Catholic Education of the Holy See. Educational institutions from across the world report to the Congregation, at­tended by young people of diverse cul­tures and creeds: 216 thousand Catho­lic schools with 60 million students and 1760 ecclesiastical faculties and Catho­lic universities with 11 million students.

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Freedom of Religion in a Pluricultural Context
On October 28, 2015, Pope Francis es­tablished the Gravissimum Educationis Foundation which is mainly evolving to­wards global educational contexts, pro­moting integral formation and fraternal coexistence among all its partners.
Attentive to some of the most current educative challenges, the Foundation ad­dresses innovative and socially impactful projects, promotes multifaceted scientific approaches and fosters networking between educational institutions and other field partners. By privileging educative and formative perspectives, it is also close to the younger generations from every continent, pluralistic in cultures but also commonly engaged in building responsibly their own life project.
The Foundation develops its mission in the framework of the Congregation for Catholic Education of the Holy See. Educational institutions from across the world report to the Congregation, at­tended by young people of diverse cul­tures and creeds: 216 thousand Catho­lic schools with 60 million students and 1760 ecclesiastical faculties and Catho­lic universities with 11 million students.

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Specifiche di prodotto
Categoria:Specifiche Prodotto:
Lingua prodottoEnglish
ArgomentiScuola / Educazione
Anno di pubblicazione2022
N. Pagine194
  • Solo gli utenti registrati possono scrivere recensioni
Specifiche di prodotto
Categoria:Specifiche Prodotto:
Lingua prodottoEnglish
ArgomentiScuola / Educazione
Anno di pubblicazione2022
N. Pagine194
Solo gli utenti registrati possono scrivere recensioni